
It's big, it's sharp, it's beautiful!

All Right. You've put together a pretty complete 35mm set-up. You built it slowly, learning the strengths and limitations of each lens before buying another one. You got a solid tripod and head. You shoot Velvia and Delta 100. You use a lens hood, cable release and mirror lock-up. You've read "The Negative" and everything by John Shaw. You're pretty satisfied with your results. Then it happens - you see a 20"x20" enlargement that blows you away. It's big, it's sharp, it's beautiful - It's Medium Format...

by Doug Hughes

好吧。你已经建立起一套完备的35毫米摄影设备。你慢慢的建起来,每买一个镜头前,你都会详细调研、了解它的优点和不足。你也拥有了一套坚固的脚架和云台。你使用Velvia和Delta 100这两种胶片来拍摄。你坚持使用遮光罩、快门线和反光板预升。你拜读了《The Negative》以及John Shaw的的文字。你对你获得的照片结果感到非常的满意。然后,事件发生了——你看到一张放大到20英寸×20英寸的照片,把你震翻了!超大!超锐!超赞!——这就是中幅。

